Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Section B: Background Information

Plans for erecting a nuclear energy power plant in Indonesia has been discussed and aired to the public. In a recent article from Channel Newsasia, Indonesia has identified various locations outside of the Ring of Fire or Volcanic Ring for example, Batam Island, Kalimantan and Bangka (Yap, 2016). It has raised concerns among their neighbouring countries in the region, such as Singapore and Malaysia from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear power plant meltdown. Assuming that the new nuclear power plant would be built and operated on Batam Island, this blog aims to discuss the risks and benefits of a nuclear power plant in such close proximity, 31 kilometres, from Singapore. Subsequently, some recommendations and suggestions to protect civilians will be made if Indonesia carries on with their plan of building a nuclear power plant. Impacts on the region and recommendations will be discussed.


Yap, S. (2016, February 16). Inside Indonesia's nuclear dream. Channel Newsasia.          

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